Had quite the night out tonight with the bear and Nicole from her show and Nicole’s husband Jason. We met up with Betsy, too, also from Liz’s show and all treated ourselves to some food, drinks and comedy.

Betsy is at UCB every weekend, Friday through Sunday, doing something. I think that’s pretty freaking incredible. And apparently Chris, also from Liz’s show, does a monthly night there with comics and improv groups.

The talent level at UCB, you guys, is out of this world. Seriously. It’s amazing. I’d say that UCB is probably the most consistent comedy spot in LA. I haven’t seen much at Groundlings, though I *did* see Melissa McCarthy there before she was MELISSA McCARTHY…I’ve seen a fair amount at IO West…nothing at 2nd City here in LA…but damn. UCB kills it. Consistently. Go if you haven’t gone before.

I wrote today. All day. Killed it. 15 pages away from finishing this MASSIVE part of the rewrite. I worry that I over-did the rewriting on this baby…that I’ve killed some of the magic. But, I hope not. And if I did, it’ll be a lesson in trying to recapture that magic, I suppose. We’ll see how it reads. That will be the real test, I suppose. And that comes not quite next, but almost. Next, I type all this shit I rewrote into the manuscript. THEN I print it out and read it. Line edit it. Make sure the prose is working up to snuff. The pacing is okay. Rhythm. That kind of stuff. The stuff that I’m much, much better at.

It’s almost 1am, so that means it’s time to wrap this shit up and move along home. That’s a DS9 reference. Kudos to anyone who gets it.

Night, bitches!