I wrote 5,000 words today. Pretty sure that’s the most I’ve ever written, with maybe the exception of the day I finished the first draft of Starstuff. I could smell the end in sight that day…that night, and so I powered through for several hours straight. Even then…I’m pretty sure it wasn’t MORE than 5,o00 words. 5K is about 20 pages, ish.

I’m no longer writing in pages, I’ve moved over to writing in Scrivener, so that means no pages. Just word-count. Let’s see if I can get a full word count for you: 5,085

That’s a lot for me. Granted, I’m reading and social media-ing with people who do 10,000 words in a day. Hell, I just listened to a podcast where the dude wrote an entire 50,000-word novel over the course of TWO days, so…I definitely have room for improvement. But. It was a huge step in the right direction for me.

The ending of my novel was rushed to begin with, and I’m fixing that. Fleshing it out some. Adding some more intrigue and suspense. The unknown. They’re on a planet they’ve never been to before, seeing people they’ve never seen before. We have to let that have time to breathe, you know? Have our heroes REACT to what they’re seeing, all this new stuff.

I’m pretty wiped out. It wasn’t quite as writing-filled of a day as I would have liked. I got sloppy here and there with my schedule, but still…5,000 words is nothing to scoff at. I’m quite happy with that. I’d wanted to finish this part of the rewrite today and move on to the transcription phase, but it is what it is. I will have the LAST top-to-bottom rewrite scene done tomorrow morning, and the rest shortly after (because it requires so little rewriting – those last two scenes are in solid, solid, shape). That works for me.

Tomorrow is a Flix work day anyway.

So much to do, you guys. Jeezus. But I will get it done. I’m getting back into the groove, I can feel dat shit. It’s empowering. The more I do it, the less swept away I get and I mean that in a GOOD way. Did you ever play a sport, and all the sudden you’re out on the field or on the court and there’s a crowd there when it was only ever practice before, and all that newness just sweeps you away and everything happens faster and faster and faster and then its all done and you have no friggin idea if you actually did anything that you practiced? Auditions as an actor are generally the same way. Well, that’s what I mean by getting “swept away.”

That’s what goes away the more I do something. I don’t get as lost. It slows down. Everything slows down and I can start seeing the game being played at the speed it SHOULD be played, and I can see what I’m doing well and what I’m not doing well.

I hope to get there soon.

With more practice, I will.

Night, guys!

Artwork tonight is from Mark Lowdon, and it is perfect for the scenes I was writing today. PER-FECT.