Da Coops.

Is snuggled.

Right up next to my arm as I type this.

Kill me now. RIP Ira, 2017 – He died of the cuteness.

Today was not quite the rockstar day I’ve had the rest of this week due to some complications that were unforeseen…but I still killed it. I wrote/dictated almost 9,000 words today. Now, granted, I’d already written those 9,000 words and I was just reading them into my phone and using software to turn that into text…BUT, it’s still impressive. 9,000 words in two and a half hours, and that’s on my very first day of using a dictation/transcription program. Very impressive indeed.

Coops now has zombie-eye. He’s passed the fuck out right up against my forearm.

This past week with the rewrite, you guys, is kinda restoring my faith in this whole fucking process. I was really, really quite down (relatively speaking) on this second draft. So much changed. I really wasn’t sure if I was changing stuff to make it better, or just changing it to something different. I was so nose-to-the-ground that I had absolutely no perspective as to what was happening on the whole.

Well…from what I’ve typed in and read over this last week, I think it worked,this whole rewriting process. I think my novel is better. The true test will come the day after tomorrow, when I start reading it from beginning to end for pace, prose, rhythm, and tone. And accuracy. Sigh…it’s taking for goddamn ever…BUT…I do think I can be done next week. Hopefully EARLY next week, but we’ll see how long this marking up the manuscript for line edits and then making those line edits takes me. 




Good night peoples. Time for the sleeps.