I am inching towards a finish line, folks. Inching. But at least moving forward.

I haven’t counted how many of these portrait conversions I have left for the Flix, but I think it’s around 50 or 60. Which means I have a *solid* week or so left of work. I got word that they might keep me on to finish…but we’ll see.

I got all my work done today. So that was another win. This week, for whatever reason, has been doing a number on my neck – tightening up and whatnot. I think it’s because I’m trying out doing 10 narrations all in a row to start out the day, and then breaking up the rest into bite-sized morsels. It’s definite psychologically better that way, being halfway done with my daily quota in the span of an hour plus, all at once…but I think it might be unsustainable if my neck is going to continue to be an issue.

We’ll see…

If I *do* stay with the Flix next week, I’ll take that week off from narrating. It’s just about the same amount of money. And it’s time, it’s *time*, to get on Two Guys One Trek. For reals. I’m looking forward to that, believe it or not. I get the feeling that a lot of these episodes will need some significant editing…but I can already see some great stuff in each of them, which is always a relief. Genuine laugh outloud moments. Stuff I forgot about.

K…it’s 11:30pm right now, which means it’s sleep time.

But, I can end the night without recognizing that the Warriors were down 23-3 to start the game tonight against the Spurs…and they won. By 12. That’s dope show.

Time to get some notes from Bear…and then it’s sleepy time.


Artwork tonight from John Harris.