I read an article today about how time travel backwards is actually possible…at least in the world of math. That means there are actual physics-based equations that show it’s possible, if you can get an object (or a British telephone booth) to travel faster than light. Apparently, warp speeds create TWO versions of the same object -one in the future and one in the past- inside of the same bubble of warped time-space…and the point in timespace at which those two objects overlap each other, one would have the option to exit in either “time.” So…you could opt to exit to the past instead of the future.

It was a fascinating read. Now…granted…this world of mathematics does not account for HOW one would travel faster than light, and here’s where I learned a new term that you’d better friggin believe I’ll be using in my book Starstuff: in order to travel faster than light, we’d need to discover what the scientific community refers to as “exotic matter”…that is, any matter (or energy, I think) that doesn’t exist/hasn’t been found/invented that would allow us to do something that is currently impossible. So, say a metal that is strong enough to withstand the acceleration forces of faster-than-light travel…and has a mass of zero, so the energy to travel that fast would be something less than infinite.

Exotic matter.

I love it. It’s exactly what “starstuff” is in my book; a particle that is discovered, that allows mankind to warp space-time and travel the stars.

Today was a good day “off” – though I didn’t really take much time off. I worked in the morning and careened through 5 or 6 podcast episodes – doing the actual editing right now, cutting them down to size – and then I had just enough time to eat, take a shower, and then head out with the Ho to go to a birthday party out in the boonies of the valley.  That was fun. We came home after that and walked the pups, ate some food, and then we recorded an audition for the bear. She killed it, of course.

And now, we’re crashing. Long days.

Very tie-tie.
