I had the most amazing Pho today. Guys…it was perfect. Was it some new place, or some new twist, or some NEW anything that made it so good? Nope. I was just hungry, and it was exactly what I wanted 😛

It was the Ho’s idea, actually! Love that lady. She has the best impulses for that shit sometimes.

I had a pretty low-key day, to be real wichyall. I woke up late (something I allow myself to do on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays), and I got a tiny bit of work done with reconciling our finances (more to do there, I’m afraid)…and then the day kind of disappeared on me. I sat down on the couch and played a bit of Skyrim for old time’s sake, and then it was Liz coming back from her commitments on the westside. We had lunch, came home, and it was suddenly 4:30 in the afternoon.

Pho was so good, I was so content, that I finally got the 2-hour nap that I’d been destined to take every since finished jury duty. Praise be. It was absolutely glorious and essential. Omg. The best nap ever. Coco was pressed up against me so close.

It was evening time when we woke, and so I took the pups on a walk and came home, and spent the rest of the evening with the Ho watching TV. It was one of those days…a day that kind of floated by, both quickly and slowly at the same time, a day in which not much was done.

Tomorrow, I wake up on time. I want to watch some baseball in the morning, then do some more financial work…and probably sleep some in the afternoon, then it’s GoT in the evening times. And then…

Then the work begins next week, y’all. Back into book 2, and this time for reals. No looking back this time. I’m writing that bish to the end.


Tonight’s *incredible* artwork is “Mechanical Seraph” by Carlos Quevedo.