Just wrote the dedication to my novel, my first novel…it’s a secret who it’s for (it’s for the Ho, ssssshhhhh don’t tell her!).

This novel stuff is starting to get real, guys. Real real. I have to write my Author’s note (which I certainly don’t *have* to write, but I want to:)…and then this shit is done. D-O-N-E. That’s…crazy. In just under two months, I will be an author. With a real book out.

It’s all happening!n It’s all happening.

Tomorrow I start a new version of the writing routine, and one that I’m excited about. I think it might work. I’m going to get some work done here at home right off the bat, try for 1,000 words, and then it’s off to the library for the rest of the writing morning. I really think it’s going to work well. At the very least I’m excited about it. It can be another tool in my bag.

I’m totes scatter-brained tonight 😛 Texting with the “Game of Titties” crew about tonight’s episode of the Thrones. It was SO. GOOD. My lord of light, that show is good. Some big shit went down tonight. We were north of the wall, there were dragons and the Ice King…it was DOPE. Next week is the finale.

That’s all I got, yo. Gonna take a shower and read my new book. It’s starting off good. Let’s see how it goes. That indie scene is hit and miss, yo, let me tell you!