Tonight is a quick one…

I had a fantastic day. Easily the best, most stress-free day in suuuuuccchhhh a long time. Going out of the house for a couple hours was exactly what I needed to do – it made me focus, it made me feel like I was getting up and moving, it made me feel like I was going to work.

2200 words written, and it was like NOTHING. Ah! So good. I plan to repeat the process tomorrow and see if I can get that up to 3,000 new words. Oh! And those are *new* words. It doesn’t include the added words from previous attempts at starting the novel, and some editing in there, too. Twas glorious, you guys. GLORIOUS.

Anyway…I have to cut this short. I need to shower, and go over writing from today before I sleep. That’s the new routine: reading what I wrote and making minor changes to it (and notes for future rewrites) as I go. Hopefully will save some decent time during the rewriting phase.

Good night. Hope you had a productive day as well.

Oh, shit! And today was the total eclipse! The Ho and I went up to the roof to see LA’s version, which was cool using our home-made camera obscura. We also sang total eclipse of the heart, of course.

Night 😉