Soooo…I wrote 4,000 words today instead of my goal of 6,000. HOWEVER…the words today were much better than the 2,000 from the day before 😛

And, I’m officially half way done with this draft. Which is a relief. And, AND even better, it looks like it just about lines up with my outline. So, that’s good.

I continue to plug away in the sphere of getting ready for release. My free giveaway continues to give me a trickle of email subscribers, which is amazing, and I’ve already started connecting with some of those people. I can’t wait till I get to do that with folks who have actually read my books, you guys. Can’t. Freaking. Wait. I’ve experienced that already with the podcast, and it just the most goddamn magical thing in the universe.

Speaking of “podcast”  – I got to hang out with someone tonight that I actually connected with over Star Trek, and I *think* our podcast a little over a year ago, Adam. I got to meet him very briefly at the Trek convention last month and we realized we were both in the Valley and so we met and had some drinks and just talked some Trek, some Hollywood career realities, and just anything nerd or geek related. He was as nice and engaging to hang out with in person as he’s always been online. We’re definitely going to do it again some time soon 🙂

Anywho…it’s time for the sleeps. I have to slog through 6,000 words tomorrow and goddamnit I’m going to do it. The quest for 6K continues. It’s definitely a challenge while also working full time for the Flix. Long days.
