Just got back from Mickey’s Halloween Party down in Disneyland. It’s a tradition that we didn’t do last year, and this might actually be our last year for reals, because it is EXPENSIVE to do it now. But, still super fun 🙂

It is LATE and I am freaking falling asleep at my keyboard. It was so, so hot today. Good lord. Or load, which is what I first typed for some reason. 104º on the radar gun. Yes, I know that radar guns don’t measure heat. But heat guns don’t measure heat either…they produce it…so I wasn’t sure what kind of “gun” I was actually talking about. 104 on the thermometer. There we go. Too. Freaking. Hot.

But still fun. Oh! And we got to see Medwards. That was nice 🙂

Good night kids. More tomorrow after a day of sleeping in a little and then some work!