He who controls the spice, controls the universe.

I find myself thinking tonight about Dune. Why this is happening *tonight* I can’t say, but why I’m thinking about it at all is rather unexpected. The similarities between “spice” and “starstuff” are rather numerous. Chiefly of which: they both make insterstellar travel possible, and they both can be used to “see” into the future.

I struggle with this one, actually, because the similarities weren’t quite intentional. Unconscious inspiration is a very real thing, at least for me. But, better to realize the similarities before a piece of work is out there than to NOT realize it and have failed to differentiate yourself. Right? Right.

Hopefully, the differences are wide enough that nobody feels like I’m treading ground that’s been tread on before. And, I do think I’m okay in that regard. The Starstuff trilogy is a very different story than that of Dune. Dune is a tale of revenge and coming of age. Starstuff is an epic poem with a treasure map at its heart. In each case, spice and starstuff are simply a means to an end.

My iPad updated today, and this new version of the WordPress app is slow. It’s not keeping up as I type and that’s annoying as all get out.

I had a good day today. Not much writing, but I get to try again on that front tomorrow. I did all my other work, too, and now Kerry is here and staying with us again. Such a treat. For reals. One of the house guests that we always look forward to having.


Tomorrow: it’s writing, writing, and more writing. I have a new plan. I’m gonna execute the shit out of it. Wish me luck! 🙂