Damn. Today was a good day.

This storyline is finally *finally* humming along. FINALLY. And, I’m finally also able to schedule these writing sessions with confidence, knowing that I can complete them.

Knowledge is power. I know that I can write 1,500 words in an hour, and that hour doesn’t have to be a PERFECT hour. I can get distracted here and there for a few minutes, then rally and knock it out. I cannot understate how important that is for my production levels. When I don’t know how long things are going to take me, it stresses me out to the point where I can’t focus on that task for any real length of time. Knowing this is huge for me.

I knocked out over 3,000 words. That *is* only half of my goal…but I did do 1,000 words yesterday, and I can easily do about another 1,000 to 1,500 tomorrow and hopefully not feel fried over it. I really, really, really think that this one-day-on-one-day-off method might work for first drafting. I really, do. Keeps my on pace for quite a bit of output, while at the same time not burning me out.

Over the past few days, I have just felt so much less angsty over this book. The things that are working are clear, and so are the things that aren’t. The ideas are improving, praise be to baby g, and man…I had some doozies today. Some really good stuff.

Anywho, it’s time for the sleeps. This update to the WordPress app has made my iPad not be able to keep up with my typing , which is so FREAKING annoying. Ugh. Gonna try uninstalling and re-installing the app at some point. I don’t think it’s my iPad. It seems to be chugging away just fine. It’s this app. Bleach.
