Today, life happened. Or, more precisely, the building happened.

I remain undeterred. I still got a good amount of stuff done…not at much as I wanted, to be sure, which would cause me great anxiety in recent days/weeks…but not today. Today, I resolved to not get flustered, as much as possible, and I was fairly successful. I did what I could, I didn’t try to “make up” time or work, I just let the hours stand as they were supposed to.

Tomorrow, I have big plans.

Rewrite one scene.

Write two more.

That’s a tall, tall order, but let’s see how I do.

I was just talking with the wifey about how I seem to finally be separating my “business of writing” headspace from my “creative” headspace for writing. It’s still a struggle to actually do that while I’m *sitting down* to write…that is still a mountain I have to climb my friends…but in the in-between parts, I’ve been relatively successful. And I really do mean that, no bullshit…I *have* been feeling less anxious and lost. I haven’t quite been able to pour that newfound clarity and focus into my writing yet…but I will.

I will.

I’ve also recently decided that I might not actually go straight into writing the third book in this series. I might take a detour, depending on how fast the words are flowing, into another book, just to keep my creative juices going. Fatigue within the confines of one world are *definitely* part of this recent bout of burnout…and writing something else makes me very, very excited…so I might listen to that.

But, we’ll see. For now, I figure out this one book.

And that’s what I have for you this evening. Another work day tomorrow…and I don’t know what to say about all that except I finally, FINALLY have a work schedule that I genuinely look forward to…
