Man, as I’m thinking back on how to write about today…today was all over the place! 😛 And, ultimately, in a good way. Not bad at all, actually.

I wrote almost 2,500 words today. My goal was twice that, but that was going to be a stretch anyway. I was pleasantly…pleased (? – wrote myself into a corner there) with how easy that was, actually. I’m seeing my word count inch up and up and up each day, and that’s just awesome.

My day started, though, with me sleeping in because I was freaking exhausted. I was sitting on the couch late as fuck finishing breakfast, and the A’s game around the corner to come on…and I was like, “Ira, you are in danger, son. Don’t just sit on this couch and watch the game. Sit in your CHAIR and get your writing done.”

…an hour later, and I finally managed to do that 😛 No joke.

I then got to watch the end of the A’s game while I ate lunch, and wrote more in the afternoon.

Writing is going really well right now, obviously. The story is moving and grooving. I’m actually FINDING it now as I write. I’m in it. Details jump out at me, along with actions and thought processes that make what I’ve outlined actually WORK and seem natural. That’s really what I find the most while I write: the beats and the details that make a scene real. Well…it’s happening right now 🙂

Then, I walked the pups, and it was time to get ready to head out to the THEATER with the Ho. We went at saw David Henry Hwong’s newest show, a musical, called Soft Power. It was…soft. Honestly, I really thought there were a lot of themes and concepts that WERE worth exploring in that play, but man…it was not ready for the stage. It felt like it needed several rounds of rewrites. Slow. Clunky. Flashes of interesting, but nothing that ever came together in a coherent final form.

And then we went and had some ice cream together at a place near us that’s recently opened up. It was delicious.

Now, the pups are snugged, and it’s time for sleeps. I might go get some donuts tomorrow and watch the Warriors game I missed. They won! Game 7 is on Monday. Good lord, that team and this year…