It’s got a cool poster. It has a fun premise. Seems like it could be one of those indie-sleeper-type mind-bendy scifi movies like Cube was back in the day, or Existenz, or even Moon.

It isn’t. Not by a loooong shot.


While in a simulator to study the long term effects of space travel, a group of astronauts face a series of challenges. When they lose connection to the outside they assume it is part of the test, but when a man appears they start to have doubts.


Ooooh boy…let’s see…not much. I guess it was fun for a hot second when we finally decided to go outside of the simulator, and everything is dark and ashy. That was fun for about ten minutes.



From the opening scene of this movie, where Brandon Routh is contacted to join the experiment and he’s drunk (I think? Something like that), I was out on this movie because that made no goddamn sense. Why would you send someone down with serious emotional issues??? And it was all downhill from there.

Nothing made sense in this movie. Absolutely nothing. And I’m going to tell you right off the bat that there is absolutely no resolution to this film. None. This movie was made by someone who doesn’t know how to make a movie. It’s a dumpster fire.

None of the characters are likable. None of the mystery pays off. Nothing is surprising. Oh my god, and the SETS. ARE. SO. INCREDIBLY. CHEAP. Every time they open and close a door, I can see the freaking walls shake slightly, like we’re watching a set built for a Highschool play…and these doors are supposed to be SciFi fancy-metal-type doors. Heavy. Real.

Oh…this movie is so bad. It doesn’t even stick with the “bunker” genre – we get out and go to a creepy post-apocalyptic-type town which makes even less sense.


I’m not going to go on. Don’t watch this movie. To put a positive spin on it: I hope whoever made this movie learned from the experience and improved. This ain’t cutting it.

1 out of 10 – hard pass