I think I can have my book finished next week. Like, actually, for reals finished. I’ll have to buckle down real hard and stay focused, but it’s actually doable.



I’m ready for it, honestly. Ready to be finished with this phase, and moving onto the next phase of fixing and polishing.

New product in the Ho-Heinichen household: Oxy-clean. That shit works! We have this white blanket we’ve had for YEARS now, and it’s what the pups sleep on, and it has become…decidedly less than white, even though we wash it regularly and have even used bleach.

Bleach sucks for whitening your clothes. For reals. Who knew?! There are other compounds out there that are better for making brown/yellow/gray shit white again. Oxy-clean is one of them 🙂 This blanket is like brand new! Very happy.

The sheets didn’t do as well, but I’m pretty sure that’s because of the kind of fabric they are; it doesn’t absorb as well in the washing machine as this blanket, which just means that they need to soak before being washed. So, I’m going to try that next time I do the laundry with the sheets 🙂 I bet it will work.

Anywho…I have a hankering to watch some Star Trek before I go to bed, so that’s what I’m going to do.

Tomorrow is another “off” day, and Imma use it. I took two naps today. I’ll probably do the same thing tomorrow. Next week…y’all. Next. Week.

Artwork tonight is from Michael Black.