I hit a wall today. Smack. I was tiiirrreeed when I woke up, despite a full night’s sleep, and I sat down to write and all that came out was drivel. Just under 1,000 words of it.

So, I stopped writing, and I took a break…that lasted for the rest of the day.

I feel better already. Honestly. And having this unscheduled day “off” is actually totally fine with me. I’ve written my ass off for the past two weeks. This was just fatigue. I know that now. And the way to deal with the fatigue is to do a little work, as much as I can, and then walk away.

So, tomorrow, I’ll do the same thing. Hopefully I can crank out a good 1,500 words or so…but we’ll see how it goes. That would put in me in good shape to make up the lost words over the weekend and still end the week on track…but a few thousand words here and there is not going to rob me of my overall momentum. The goal is not perfection. The goal is persistence.

So, yeah. I’m exhausted still. Writing is a very, very tiring activity. It doesn’t seem like it should be, but it is. It’s wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but it does take it out of you. Or me, anyway. I don’t know, maybe some writers can write without ever getting fatigue. I know I can improve. I think I can, anyway.

I watched some Star Trek TNG. I’ve decided that I want to go through and watch all my blu-rays I have of Trek, and those ones I’ve hardly used. Gonna use them. Oof does that show start out rough. The first three episodes in particular are prrreeetttyyyy bad. They’re straight out of the Original Series in a bad way. An out-of-time way.

I took care of the pups. I watched some baseball (we won!). I brainstormed about my next coming few weeks…

It was a good day. A disappointing day in that I hit a wall, but a good day nonetheless.

Good night!