Oh my lord. So much driving today. Let’s see…how many miles is it actually from Portland to San Fran?

*leaving to check*

*returning with facts*

658 miles. In 10 hours. Whew!

I listened to the Dubs beat the Clippers. That was fun. My reception actually lasted long enough to listen to the whole game. I listened to several Story Grid podcast episodes. Those were great. And I listened to about half of a (short) book on “Finishing.”

I feel like I’ve always been pretty decent at finishing things, though I’ve certainly had a plethora of failures, this is true…but I’ve also finished a number of rather large, difficult projects as well. It’s an interesting book, and it’s given me some insight into the particular forms of resistance that I run into on a regular basis. Good stuff. Its called Finish: Give yourself the gift of Done, by Jon Acuff. I dig it 🙂

So good to be back with the Ho. Good to see Lin. Good to be back in the Bay.

My eyelids are drooping. It’s time for the sleeps. G’night.