Coco is such a little smush right now. She’s been rather attached to me lately because Liz has been out of “town.” “Town” tonight means the other bedroom (for logistical reasons, not anything else 😂), but still. Coco’s been my bae. Coops is always a bit of a soldier when it comes to being in a new house: on alert. He’s currently digging into the comforter, trying to make the bed nice and perfect.

Anywho, today was a sleep day. Both Ho’s are under the weather, but improving. I was able to help out by braving the Christmas Eve stampede and getting some groceries and other bits and bobs. I forgot the bacon tho! Damnit. Just realized that.

Took a nice long nap. Took care of the pups. Watched some What’s My Car Worth? with Lin and Liz. That show is fun. We try to guess what each car will sell for at auction. Super fun. I got a couple spot-on 🤓 I cheated tho; I just went with what the expert says 😂

Too many emojis tonight? Possibly. Don’t care.

It’s almost midnight, so I shall bid you adieu.

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone. I hope that you’re surrounded by those that love you. That’s what Christmas is actually about, after all.

Good night.