Okay. Soooo…

VR is the shit. It’s so much cooler than I thought. It looks so much more real than I thought it would. It’s like stepping into another world. Obviously it’s still digital, so you can tell it’s not REAL real. Like, you’re not going to be mistaking it for the real world or anything…

But what I realized tonight is that’s not actually the point. At all. Of *course* it’s not real. It’s fantasy. And *that* is the point! It looks like stepping into a fantasy world of floating lights and sound.

Our first game is Beat Saber.





Holy crap. IT’S SO FUN. It’s like Guitar Hero meets Star Wars. I never got into Guitar Hero. It just wasn’t for me. THIS…this is something I can get into. And the music is really good!

Anywho…trip home was long, but good. I am tired, but happy to be home. Gonna take a couple days off, and then: writing time before I get back to work, along with helping out where needed for Joe and Madhuri’s wedding.

That’s all for tonight. G’night.