I had a very, very nice day off today.

I didn’t do a whole lot.

I played Beat Saber. I watched the documentary Fyre on Netflix about the Fyre music festival epic debacle. I watched the Warriors handle the Celtics despite a run they put together in the 4th quarter.

And, I worked on the Film School podcast, which is coming together. I listened to it and did a *very* small amount of editing to it, saved a section for a Cutting Room Floor episode, and worked on the website.

It’s not all done yet, but I was able to use the same theme that I used for this website here, and import some fancy podcasting templates, and that was all super fun. I love shit like that. At least when I can actually understand it and what’s going on 😛

So, yeah, check out my work so far (which includes needing to fill in the rest of the home page, btw, so take what you see there with a grain of salt 😂 It’s really only the first two sections that I got to) by going to filmschoolpodcast.com

I decided to do it as a different site. Not sure why, since hosting Two Guys One Trek on ih.com has been super easy and effective, but whatevs. This podcast seems a bit more legit and worthy of standing on its own two feet. “Legit,” as in, Two Guys One Trek was always going to be tied to one single piece of IP that Josh and I don’t own, you know? Star Trek. We can’t really do anything too professional with that show like sell merch or have sponsors or whatever (anything that would make any money), EVER, because it’s based on that IP.

Film School isn’t like that. Film School is our thing, entirely, and yeah…that just made it seem like it deserved its own separate site. For better or for worse.

Tomorrow, I want to do some more cleaning. Oh! I did a few loads of laundry today, too. Sheets on the bed right now are not only suuuper white and shiny…but dayamn are they soft and snuggly. But, yeah, tomorrow: have some errands to do, some Silence of the Lambs listening to do whilst doing some chores, and taking it easy. No nap today. Gonna take one tomorrow for SURE.
