I finished my project for the ‘Flix today. At least, my main part in that project. I’m still around for support and adjustments as may be necessary.

I’m not sure if I get to stick around after this. I may be out of work for a while. Hopefully not. Hopefully they have something on tap for me, but we’ll see. Will have to take that as it comes.

In the meantime, I shall write.

I wrote today. A solid, solid one hour session working on tactics that my villain would use in this second book. And I’m getting flashes of scenes now, too, which is exciting. Daunting for sure, y’all, because I still don’t have a grasp on making this book work…but I definitely realized today that I am closer to finished than I was a year ago. Much closer.

I really have to focus on the joy of my writing. Not the craft, not the business…the joy. The flow state.

I played Beat Saber again tonight and thought a lot about the flow state, where my body is just moving with the music and I’m not actually thinking about anything. That’s the same state when the writing is working well. When the words are just coming, and they’re clear and tight and compelling.

I miss the flow state.

It doesn’t happen that much any more. Ever since I decided to take my writing “seriously.” It’s not a new revelation. At all. I learned the same lesson around this time last year. I’m learning it again now. “Written” is not good enough. At least, not for me.

I just realized I gave Cooper and Coco the wrong dental treats. Coco got a whimzee, which is a lot of work for her, and Cooper got her “gray muzzle” softer treat. Oops. Oh well. Coco is going to town on the Whimzee anyway. Like a champ.

Okay. It’s time for bed. Tomorrow is more writing, hopefully more work at Netflix…and then Josh and I podcast. Can’t wait. We’re watching Do The Right Thing, which I’ve never seen. Can’t wait!