I feel a bit like I’m floating right now/today. And not in the “walking on sunshine” kinda way. The…a bit spacey kinda way. Like my feet aren’t quite grounded. Not exactly sure why…

Except that I was tired today. I noticed that the last few weeks: I’ve had a rough day after podcasting mid-week. Might have to see if we can adjust that. We’ll see…

Writing *was* actually good though. Didn’t do it in the am, which really drives me crazy. I woke up too late. Because I was up too late (having fun, mind you, but still…).

And all that probably makes me feel grouchy but that is not at all how I felt today. I had a good day today! Writing, work, personal life, all of it. Just a bit…

…floaty. Ya know? Not in the zone.

So, here’s the deal: now that I’m sitting here in bed, I know exactly what it is that’s making me feel that way. I don’t have any concrete notion right now of how much work is left in my book, or how many hours it’s going to take to get there. That’s it. 100%. The reason I was grooving before this was because I had a concrete step-by-step plan. Not having a plan stresses me the fuck out.

So…I need to make a plan. But, I have to do it in such a way that I allow for epiphanies like last week wherein I realized the whole beginning of my book doesn’t work…that I can realize things like that and have a plan to deal with them that doesn’t feel like the end of the world.

These are thoughts for tomorrow.

A plan…

A plan.