Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Don’t be too proud.

Honestly, and this one is mostly for me: don’t be so stupid.

I wish I’d asked for help with my book sooner. A lot sooner…which is to say–because I’m not going to hold onto that disappointment or misery any longer than I must–I’m so happy that I asked for help, and now I’m receiving it.

Just the process of articulating to another writer what it is that I want to accomplish, say, and put my characters through has been a revelation. A REVELATION, I say. The ideas are starting to flow. The spirits are up. And this story which has eluded me to this point is staaaaarrrtting to make sense. It’s beginning to become visible underneath all the muck.

Praise be to baby g.

Work was long and very productive. I finished one part of a project early. Hopefully I can finish the rest of it tomorrow.

Josh and I podcast tomorrow, too. And then a nice long weekend. No longer than normal 😛 Two days of bliss.

Plus, the Coco is snuggled up next to me. What else could I possibly want?