You never know when breakthroughs are going to happen.

It can be anything that sets them off. Any little thing. Or big thing. And then a moment of clarity.

Ah. It’s the freaking best feeling.

I had one of those moments today with my story. And perfect timing, since I’m just about to write a pivotal, very important scene that wouldn’t have made nearly as much sense or had nearly as much impact had I not had the clarity come to me today. It’s damn perfect timing, actually. Maybe it makes a lot of sense I had the clarity come to me today.

And maybe I need to take it as a sign to trust myself a little more. When I’m calming the fuck down so I can focus, so I can “drop in,” like I have been able to do with meditation, therapy, structure and self care…maybe I will have the moments of clarity I need when the time comes to have them. And even if I don’t, maybe that’s okay too.

What I came up with today feels so obvious. It feels like a no-brainer for the story. But fuck…it wasn’t a no-brained before. It was foggy as fuck. That’s how I know, though, that it’s a good idea, that feeling of ‘well, of course it must be that way!’ It’s usually simple, too, and it feels like an idea or a concept or an emotional truth that I’ve been skirting around for a long time.

Anyway…good way to end a rough day in the sense that I almost didn’t even write today. My schedule was so off, I almost didn’t sit down and do it. I’m so FREAKING glad I did. I knew doing at least one full writing session was going to make me feel better, and that lawd it did.

My hands are so dry right now, I have to stop typing. Gonna moisturize, sleep, and catch you crazy kids on the flip. Night!