
2,222 days. That’s a lot of 2’s.

I want to go look up the day that I wrote blog entry number 1,111. I wonder what I was doing. What project I was working on. How I was feeling.

Today, I went to therapy. It’s been intense these past couple weeks. I’ve been diving into some subjects that make me deeply uncomfortable. But, it does feel good to talk about those things. To face them. Part of me feels really stupid and cliche writing about that, but it’s not bullshit. It’s helping me to talk about things like self-esteem or worth.

I just spent a surprise half an hour writing a sketch for a scene for Escape From Red Tower. I have an info dump scene to get through, so I just started writing lines back and forth between the two characters. Working through the information, the questions, the thoughts. I do have answers for all the questions, it’s just a matter of figuring out how to cover all that info in a way that’s timed correctly and hooks the interest of the reader…who right now is me 😛

I thought I was going to start reading Watchmen, which I just loaded onto my computer. Maybe I still will. Got to sleep, though. Playing tennis with Reed in the morning. Looking forward to it!

It’s a milestone entry tonight. Four twos. Liz’s show Merry Happy Whatever has just come out. We’ve done another wonderful Thanksgiving down here in LA. I’m plugging away at writing my second novel, words that would have made me sing with joy during the depths of writing my first ever novel. Coops and Coco are curled up and snug in bed (Liz is in her office running lines for an audition), and Tommen is here, too curled up and adorable. We’re watching him for the week while Stephen and Thida are on a cruise.

Life is good.

Really, really good.
