Day 2,207: Home

Day 2,207: Home

It’s so good to be home! Happy Belated Birthday to Kerbear. It was soo good to see her today. We had amazing pizza and then played pinball to our hearts’ content at the Pinball Museum. Morning was great. Got to chat with Ronnie and Yudha. Packed up and...
2,206: Swimming

2,206: Swimming

I have to say…this 20 Books conference has been a bit overwhelming. And not in a bad way. Just…overwhelming. My head is swimming in a mixture of excitement, fear, possibilities, choices, upsides, downsides and plans, hopes, dreams,...
2,205: weeerrrrkkkkk

2,205: weeerrrrkkkkk

Another looooong long inspiring awesome exhausting day 😂 Went out again tonight, this time to talk with a potential coworker/boss, then to hang with some friends and talk about Story Grid, writing, upbringing, life…ya know, good conversation with good...
Day 2,204: 20Books Day One

Day 2,204: 20Books Day One

The team killed it today. They really did amazing. Day one in the books, and night one too. I went to the Fantasy genre dinner and had a freaking blast. Those are my peeps. Maybe even more than SciFi nerds 😂 maybe they’re equal...
Day 2,203: Phew

Day 2,203: Phew

Good lord today was busy. Flew to Vegas. Applied for SW cards on the plane and in the airport so that we can hopefully get the companion pass for the next two years. Checked into hotel and into the conference. Met with group of main volunteers for a luncheon at the...