One of the clan still sick today, but it all went off without a hitch.

Got to exchange Secret Santa gifts with the Heinichen family in the morning, including Seth and Lena and Henri (plus Lena’s parents!) all the way out in Germany. That was wonderful. I got a lamp for my craft desk! I’m so excited for it. It’s huge! 😛

Then spent the afternoon back over at J and Mike’s house, and then we all went back over to Scaddie’s for a white elephant gift exchange and dinner.

Omg…dinner was amazing. They made roast, or rather Addie made roast, and it was amaaaazing. Best I’ve ever had, easily. Plus mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, rolls, and a delicious salad. Mwah! It was delicious.

Then we watched Missing Link, which is the latest from Laika, which is a local Portland stop-motion animation studio. It was really cute.

And then came home. Now snuggling with the pups. Coco, apparently, slept on Lin’s lap the whole time they were on the couch together.

Love Christmas so much. It’s all about spending time with family. Love love love it.

Good night!