You know…talking about this today with Josh regarding not posting my entry last night, it really reinforced something to me about the number of these entries that I talked about recently with my therapist, and something I’ve kept in mind for a while now, a lesson I’ve learned.

It’s not about the number.

It’s not about the streak.

I use the number at the beginning of these blog entries to the point that they make me proud, that they fuel me to move forward, and that they serve as a marker of the time.

But, they are not the goal. It’s not about keeping the “streak,” because that would mean failure if I were to ever miss an entry. I knew someone who treated the number like that, and he’d punish himself if he ever missed a day by resetting his count back to zero…and of course, he stopped writing them one day altogether. They were a chore, an obligation. Not a habit.

The point is the habit. The point is the BENEFIT I get from writing down my thoughts at the end of every day, taking just a moment to check in with how I’m feeling, to chronicle what I did that day so I don’t forget.

It’s not about the number.

If I miss a day, or there’s some issue, or whatever, I’ll fix it the next day and then move on and totally forget about it. The number keeps climbing. I don’t have to worry about the discipline of it all because it’s become a habit, and more importantly, something I just ENJOY doing.

That’s the ticket. Right there.

And it’s working with my writing, too.

Great, exhausting day today. We watched and broke down Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. So. Good. Then, dinner with Nina and Amir. Wonderful.
