I’m in a groove.

I didn’t write a lot of new words today, but I did all of my writing sessions, and I used them to plan. Both planning for the next couple chapters I’m writing, but also planning the upcoming rewrite. And…

I was excited. Genuinely excited. The fear is starting to recede, and it’s being replaced by what I’m used to feeling about my storytelling: excitement. Inspiration. A confidence that I can tell the story right, eventually. It’ll just take work to get there.

That’s…my lord, that’s seismic. And I felt it today. I truly did. I could see parts of the story working, and there was so much less second-guessing of those ideas.

I still have work to do. But, today was a good day. I’m looking forward to writing tomorrow.

Work was slow. I was able to do podcast editing. Tomorrow, though, I’ll be busy. Likely throughout the week, too. New project coming my way that will be time consuming. But, I’m excited about it.

Coco is underneath the top fuzzy blanket we keep on our bed snoring up a storm. Coops is down at the foot of the bed by where Liz’s feet will be. She’s still washing up.

Which is all to say…I love this time of night. Sitting here, sleepy, ready for bed, surrounded by my loved ones. It’s the best.

Oh! And Liz and I are watching McMillions on HBO and it is sooooo freeeaaaking goooood. Highly HIGHLY recommend it. It’s about how nearly every single winner of McDonald’s Monopoly game was illegitimate. For over fifteen years. It’s a crrraaazzyyy story. Check it out 🙂

Night night!