The ability to know when a scene is or isn’t working is a skill.

It’s definitely one I have yet to master…but, I do have the sense most of the time with my writing. It’s not always clear what to DO about a scene that isn’t working, but at the very least, I usually have a sense of what is or isn’t.

When I’m in a good place with my writing, realizing that a scene isn’t working is an opportunity to go back to the outlining stage and make some better decisions. It’s almost fun. A puzzle or a riddle that just needs solving. And I know I’ve fixed it when I unearth the idea that makes me excited to go back and rewrite the scene.

When I’m in a bad place with my writing…well, nothing seems fixable at all.

Praise be. I’m in the good place right now. Happy to be here.

I met friends of mine’s beautiful baby girl today. She was born in the early afternoon. And I spoke her name for the first time. Not going to share that here, since I think it’s still news to a lot of people (who never read this blog, but still). I’m so proud of them. They’re both already the perfect parents.

And she’s my goddaughter.

An incredible day!