I’m in bed on time tonight. Listening to my Shazam playlist, which is fun, because it’s a smattering of everything I’ve ever used the song-recognition phone app to identify while I’m out and about. They’re ear worms that caught my attention enough that I wanted to know what song it was, and they’re all over the place genre-wise.

Shazam used to connect automatically to Spotify, so whenever I’d ID a track, it would go into this playlist. Well . . . I just checked and it hasn’t done that now for over a year, which is becaaaauuussseee: Apple bought Shazam last year, and removed the feature.


Anywho, I’m digging it tonight.

Work today was long, but productive. Writing was not until just now, unfortunately. Coco had a diarrhea and vomiting episode last night about half an hour before I was supposed to get up, and that really kind of fucked my morning. It was just early enough that I couldn’t muster the focus or energy to just get up, and too late for me to go back to sleep without missing my alarm time.

I slept.

So writing in the morning with everything I had to do work-wise didn’t happen.

It’s definitely been a struggle to get in a new groove, but here’s the thing: I will. It’s going to take some time and some willpower, but I will. It’s just going to take a little while.

I started to read my book today on Facebook Live and it was really, really fun. I’m going to read the whole book. I’m committing to that. It won’t be easy at times, I think, but I’m going to do it. Two chapters a day will take me almost a month. But, it’s easy to set up, and two chapters takes about 30 minutes. People seemed to enjoy it as well. We’ll see how it goes.

Watched half of the second Thor movie on my own. I’ll finish it tomorrow, hopefully with bear. It’s fun! I remember thinking it was fine. A lot people don’t like it much, but I’m enjoying it. It’s no Avengers, that’s for sure. It’s not Iron Man 3 for that matter (unfairly maligned, coming from someone who had no previous investment in the Mandarin to begin with—I thought that reveal was delightful!). But . . . It is still fun.

Honestly, the only Marvel Cinematic Universe film that’s no good is The Incredible Hulk. So far. I remember not liking Dr. Strange’s solo movie. But, maybe I’m being too hard on that one, too. Rather amazing, really, to make 20 films and have only one of them be a genuine stinker? Incredible.

We’ll see how the rest of the re-watch goes.

Night night!