I was just petting the Coops before getting into bed tonight, and just observing how much he liked it when I was very, very gentle. And it made me think about how animals will be gentle like that with each other all the time. It’s something they value, just like we do.

We don’t often think of animals like that. And for good reason, given how cutthroat it truly is out there in the wild. But, with any animals that group together in social structures, you’ll see moments of gentleness when they feel safe and relaxed. Just like we do.

I’m still sick. Unfortunately. I’ve developed redness in both of my eyes, but particularly on the left side. Hopefully that goes away on its own, but if it doesn’t, I know I can get ahold of a doctor and get something to put in it. If it’s not better by tomorrow, I’ll have to do that. We’ll see.

And my antibiotics are making sick to my stomach, I think. I had to lie down and check out for about an hour today because I was so nauseous. I hate that feeling. Tummy aches I can handle, but not nausea plz.


But, I was feeling well enough to work. So that’s good. Back at it tomorrow.
