Writing was on fire today. Love the scene. Digging the characters. Got my three pages plus a couple extra done, including a nice writing session tonight.

Played another set for Twitch, and had a blast doing it. Working through my tech house tracks right now. Some good stuff in there! Found it weeks ago, but this was my first real chance to get in there and play what I’d collected.

Very much enjoying mixing the past couple days. I want to keep it up during the weekdays. I do it before we take the pups out for a walk. Love it. I don’t itch to play later at night that way, and then either go to bed too late, or feel a bit disappointed I didn’t play some.

Speaking of going to bed…it’s time. I’m freaking WIPED OUT. Liz is out there playing right now, though. And killing it. Set sounds dope. I always love listening to her sets. She’s quite accomplished already, actually. I like her song selections better than my own!

Workouts continue apace. I’m at…107, I think. Pushups and sit-ups/core exercises of some kind.

We’ve also been burning through The Last Dance documentary about Michael Jordan. Loving that, too. What a tragedy that his father died the way he did. Jesus. Terrible. I don’t remember that back when it happened. No wonder he took a break from basketball for a while. He realized life is short, and that he was unhappy where he was and wanted to try something else for a while.

Coops and Coco doing themselves a snooze. such great companions those two.

Night night. Hope you’re all doing well.