

So tired. This week was a doozy. In a GREAT way, thank baby jesus. I was very, very productive this week, even with yesterday’s wipe-out day included. Writing sessions were great. Work was great. Playing music was great. Pups are great. Liz is great.

Life is good.

I am wiped the fuck out, though 😛

Looking forward to the weekend. I have work I want to get done – namely the last few episodes of TG1T season 4. The end of the month is already upon me, and I want to get them posted before our podcast hosting company resets our upload bandwidth for another month, make sure we’re getting our money’s worth 🙂 it’s a good external deadline for me to make sure I get shit done.

I do want to publicly recognize something: I am intimidated by the next step in my rewrite process. Actually DOING the re-write. Not the notes, or the analysis or the organization or even the free-flowing drafting, but FIXING of scenes and chapters and sequences. It makes me nervous. I feel totally out of rhythm with it.

But…that’s normal. I actually remember feeling like this back when I was doing Starstuff. I grew out of it. Just took me a little while.

I’m looking forward to finding that groove again.
