It’s late.

Decided to stay up a little past bed time to watch this week’s episode of I’ll be Gone in the Dark, which is the Michelle Macnamara/Golden State Killer documentary on HBO Max right now. Might be HBO proper, in fact I’d be surprised if it isn’t, but we’re watching it on the streaming platform 😛

Very good.

Hold your loved ones, y’all. Our time with them doesn’t last forever. It never lasts long enough.

I had a great Sunday. I got all the packing up I wanted to get done for the stuff I’m going to try and sell on eBay. I’ve never done that before. I am, of course, terrified of doing it. Lol. But…the line between terror and excitement is razor thin…so I’m also super excited about it. I have some stuff I think I can get a decent return on, which means I can put that money into a few things I’m looking forward to: namely a bicycle (probably starting used on this one), a camera (also thinking used), and golf clubs. All inspired by selling the workout bench and weights a couple weeks ago.

Baseball starts this coming week. Basketball is back the week after, minus my beloved Warriors.

Crazy. Excited about that, too.

Last thought tonight: happy anniversary to my parents. They got married 33 years ago today, I think it was. I was 4, almost 5. Scott was…7 months? Full-on chubs phase. Good lord, what a happy, fat baby he was. They got married on a cliff in Trinidad, the backyard of my preschool as a matter of fact, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I remember I tried to stand on a small stump during the ceremony and kept tipping over. I was the ring bearer. And, I remember my uncle David wanted to take us up in his plane that day, but it didn’t happen, I don’t think? Maybe it did…

Love my parents. They spent the day in Sequoia National Park.
