Guys, I have an addiction…

I don’t think I’ve talked about it before.

I am addicted to…

…animal rescue videos.

It’s true! I’ll see the little notification of a new one on the Facebook app, and I can’t help myself. I’ll spend the next 2-3 minutes watching the story of an animal that starts desperate and fucked up and see them transform into a happy, healthy animal by the end. I can’t not stop and watch it, and I always feel the same thing in the beginning—shock, horror, anger, and empathy—and in the end: the warm fuzzies.

It started on Youtube, actually. There’s a rescue group in LA called Hope for Paws, and they would do these rescue videos, put them on youtube, and have links at the end to donate. It worked like crazy. They used to get million of views. Now, The Dodo does these videos.

I just watched one where a squirrel baby was found alone and injured by this guy and his daughter. Mom nowhere to be found. And so they picked it up—didn’t even have it’s eyes open yet—and nursed him, it’s a him, and he grew up loving them so much he made his nest in a tree in their backyard.


Hectic day. No writing. Want to fix that tomorrow. Wish me luck. Night.