So much to do. So many projects.

I do that. I collect them. I pile them up, because I love being productive.

I’m turning the corner in that regard with my writing. I can feel it building inside of me, the knowledge that I can make money doing this so long as I can write and finish books. It’s finally starting to make me feel energized rather than frozen. I just need to write. It doesn’t need to be perfect, and I don’t need to be the best. I just need to write.

Had a great day off today. I rested. Hung out with Liz and the pups. Daydreamed about the future. Was anxious for much of that daydreaming, but not right now. Right now, I’m thinking of everything I want to get done, and feeling inspired to do it.

Night really might be the best time to get my writing done. Something to think about.
