The big project continues!

It involved manual labor today, which I am NOT used to 😂 I am so freaking tired right now. I mean . . . I did also do two podcasts this week. That’s also a contributing factor for sure. But man, aches and pains.

It was a good week this week. I got ahead. I got some rest, kind of. Okay, maybe not so much rest, but the first part: I got ahead rather than behind. And then, because of that, I had the mental space and energy to get some stuff done that I was *personally* behind on and oh did that feel good.

Coops is a bit lame tonight with a bum foot. Doc thinks that he caught his nail and bent in back and then we stupidly and horrendously made it worse by putting a sock with a hair tie around it to keep him from bothering it, and that messed with his circulation for the poor foot and made it get a little swollen. Ugh. I feel like a goddamn monster for that. But . . . doc says he should be doing better very soon. He’s already running around on it, so that’s good. Poor dude. I’m a monster.

Coco . . . she continues to crack me the eff up. She got to spend some time outside today. Found what I’m pretty sure was old dried up poop and wanted to munch on it. What the fuck, dude??? I caught her, though. She should be okay. Uuuuugh. She’s so much more independent than Coops. Cooper always has to be close to use, keep us within his line of sight. Coco, she will wander the fuck off. Not a care in the world.

Night night.