Feeling the itch to read tonight. I don’t always feel like reading. I go through phases. Tonight, I feel like reading.

Got a couple books going right now, lol. One is a Trek book. Not that great. Bummer, since it’s from an author whose older stuff I really, really love. This one is not exactly new, but new-ish. Not great so far. The other is a friend’s book that I’m reading to help give some feedback on. Enjoying it! Genuinely.

I had a really solid day today. Got some podcast editing stuff done. A big chunk of it, actually. Very happy about that. Got to hang out with Liz and the pups. Did laundry. Omg, the bed right now is HEAVEN. Played some music. Took a shower. Really solid day. I feel much more normal. I think I kinda needed this four-day weekend.


Gonna go read for a while. I hope you had a really enjoyable Saturday.