I’m ready to go back to work.

Talked with my therapist about that today…I’ve needed the past few days off, and a week of work that wasn’t so crazy, just to get my feet back underneath me, to get a semblance of routine back.

Routine has been tough to come by for the last three months. And for good reasons! This project Liz and I are working on, for example: good stuff. SUCH good stuff. Great stuff. But, it is hectic, it is a time commitment. And that takes a toll on my routine. I wish I was more like Josh and could roll with the punches a bit more in terms of making sure I got my creative time in when things are hectic…but whatevs. I am who I am. I’ve been able to get by.

Sprint to the end of the year, now. I’m so glad Josh and I crammed in a couple extra podcasting sessions so we could wrap up the year before this latest lockdown in LA came into effect. Man, we did that juuuuust in time. No one is allowed to visit anyone for the next three weeks except for work. Crazy.

Gonna be a weird holiday season.

I’m healthy. My family has been healthy. Feeling very grateful for that. Very, very grateful.

Gonna go now and read for a bit. Make sure I get to sleep on time, wake up tomorrow on time, get in my writing before work…start the week off right.

Night. Hope you’re healthy, too, my friend.