A normal day.

I should be putting that in quotes, because the “normal” day hasn’t been normal lately at all. They’ve been the exception. Not today! I was able to get everything done I needed to. Blessed be.

I have a mountain of work ahead of me with work. Yikes. I think I can do it all, but I will be bussssyyyy. That’s a bit daunting. But, yo…the writing was great today. I know I’ve been working on the damn thing for half the year now, but this opening to my new book is finally, FINALLY working. It’s getting so clear. I’m really excited to address all my notes and send that shit off.

Played music today, too. I’ve collected all these songs over the summer and fall, and going into the winter, now, I’m paring them down. Trimming out the not-so-good ones so all I’m left is the gravy. I love it. I love doing it, sifting through the pile of decent stuff hunting for the gems. I can’t find the gems right away sometimes. I have to go hunting for them. I have to hear them in the right context to appreciate them. And so I collect a mountain of stuff that I have to spend a little time with to sort through, to listen to a little longer and give a chance.

Same with my writing.

It takes time.

I’m finally feeling like I can take the time and not freak out. I’m not holding on quite so tight. Days like today make what I want and where I want to go feel quite close. Just around the corner.
