Farewell 2020. You were…well, dumpster fire is the descriptor that first comes to mind. But, if I’m being honest and encompassing, not all of 2020 was a lost cause. Not even close.

I will say this: I am looking forward to 2021. Genuinely. Whole-heartedly. 2021 is going to be a good year, I think. I hope.

Changes are coming. Ones I’m excited about. Excited to TALK about, sometime soon. And…much is staying the same. For good, too. Things that are working.

Liz and I spent the night watching almost the entire first season of Ted Lasso, which is not at all what I expected. It might be the sweetest comedy I’ve seen in…I can’t even remember. It’s truly, honest-to-god wholesome, and it WORKS and it’s FUNNY. I was not expecting that whatsoever. It’s definitely not the comedy we’re used to seeing these days.

Just had to run and get Coops his snuggie out of the dryer. Yes, that’s right: Cooper has been sleeping in a snuggie lately, those blankets with arms that they used to sell in infomercials. They’re SO SOFT. He loves them.

I cleaned today. The floors, specifically, which hasn’t been done in long enough that Liz doesn’t want me to say the actual number in my blog entry 😂 what, can I say? Life gets busy! But, they’re clean, now, and ohhhh does that make me happy. So happy, in fact, that I’m thinking of investing in a room a so they’ll be mostly clean most of the time. We’ll see.


Might write more about 2020 tomorrow. We’ll see. Definitely going to think and write some about the year to come.

It’s gonna be a good one.

Happy New Year.