Check in.

How am I doing? How am I feeling? Where am I at?

I was exhausted in the beginning of this week. No doubt. Exhausted with work, with the project Liz and I are working on, waiting for news on a job Liz was up for…I was wiped.

This week did a lot to help that. I don’t feel exhausted right now. I feel ready to rock, actually.

I always suffer a little bit on the psyche front whenever my week isn’t structured like normal, or put another way: when I take time “off.” I need it, obviously, and I enjoy it…but it does come with some anxiety, because I’m not being productive. I don’t love that aspect of myself. I don’t hate it…I truly love the feeling of being productive, and it makes sense that I miss it…but it does reflect back to me that too much of my self-worth and my self-esteem is wrapped up in the tasks that I have accomplished. I need time off sometimes. And, in this case, I worked my ass for a work project, and I needed a break.

So…how am I feeling? Slightly anxious, but very aware where that anxiety is coming from, and trying to just let it be, let it go, etc. I’m grateful I could have the week I did, one that was not super productive, but was very regenerative.

I wouldn’t say that I’m locked in for next week productivity-wise…but I do have my sights set on finishing something for my Story Grid certification tomorrow: finishing this book. I’m two hours of reading away. I can do it.

So…with all that in mind, I’m in bed a bit early tonight, I’m going to do some reading until I fall asleep, and I’m going to get some shit done tomorrow.

Then…we’ll see how I feel about next week when I get to Sunday. I wouldn’t be surprised if I feel like taking on the world. That’s usually the swing of emotions after taking some time off 😂