The power is out!

There was an electrical fire next door down in the sub-basement/garage of the bank. It flooded…either because it seems like there was a flood up the street from us and water got down there, or more likely just because the fire department used water hoses to put the fire out, which flooded the electrical room…but either way, they had to shut off power to our whole block.

We were practically done with our evening, anyway. Didn’t affect us at all, really, except we didn’t get to watch all the TV we wanted. But I did get to see the Warriors beat the Knicks! That was satisfying.

Good day! I did my writing! Half of it, anyway. It was another slightly rough night’s sleep, but not as bad, and I was able to get up early enough to get in a very, truly, wonderfully solid writing sesh. Ah. Felt good. The book is in good shape.

Now…sleep. Aiming to get up early enough to do BOTH writing sessions tomorrow. Wish me luck.
