I am close to back on track.

After a truly, truly exhausting week last week, and a very busy weekend (I worked for 8 hours today!)…I am so close to caught up.

The writing suffered. I just had to send my co-writer an email apologizing for not having my pages to send him. I hope he understands. But…I also discovered that I can unequivocally write 4 pages an hour right now. That’s as-is. Not even ramping up my speed through practice. So…I have a new goal for pages this coming week, and it’s WAY higher than previous goals: 40.

That’s almost what I want to hit in a week at my ideal, which would be 50 pages a week. That’s a book in 6 weeks, which I think is about as fast as I’ll be able to write working full time, which means two hours of writing a day during the week, and then the evenings or weekends to make up for any lost time.

Unless it’s a week like I just had, and then there’s nothing I can really do about that.

I’m exhausted. It’s time for bed.

Night night.