It’s another absolutely exhausted night over here at the Ho-Heinichen House of Horror and Hosiery. I worked another 12 hour day today. The good news? Well, one, it should be better starting tomorrow. And two…I’m not going to write about being exhausted tonight.

No, instead I’m going to write about the resolve I feel to get this book I’m working on written. I can write more. I know I can. I want to. I actually want to sit down and write in the mornings, and the words flow.

They didn’t flow GREAT today. I’m writing a scene I think probably needs some work once it’s all said and done. But…I’m writing. The story is there. Needs some digging to find it, but it’s there. And I’m so close to finding a groove, where I can feel the story and really crank out the pages. It’s close.

I’m already over 100 pages into the book. Coming up shortly on a third of the way through. Having a co-writer to be responsible to is genius. Working great. And his feedback helps so much.

Even in such a crazy ass long week and weekend…I still wrote. Damn proud of that. And, it’s a good sign. It’s starting to get easier. The “Ira” stuff is starting to clear out of the way, and it’s just becoming “story” stuff instead.

Story stuff I can deal with.