Not quite back in the swing of things, but I’ve come to realize that’s the way things go when I get back from a trip, or otherwise have my routine interrupted.

It was a solid day today. Got stuff done, like kicked off a new work project, went grocery shopping, did some household stuff (like got a new dining room table! much excite! thanks Jo and Reed!), got to hang out a little bit with Joe, who’s staying with me this week while Liz is up in Visalia. A solid day.

Writing this entry late. But, that’s okay, too. We’ll see how my day goes tomorrow. Not going to press hard tomorrow. My first full day back writing-wise will probably be Wednesday…but we shall see.

Pups are with me. I missed them so much. Miss Liz too. Looking forward to things being “normal” again…

Client work was on fire today. Good stuff. Progress is being made! Tactics are being learned! Podcast episode that dropped today for The Empire Strikes Back was super fun and good. And, damn, I just realized I never uploaded the live recoding up to Patreon. Gotta do that in the morning. It’s a great recording.

Life is good. Not quite back in the swing…but good. Night night.