Life is good right now. Very good. Thank god.

Life had been rough for a little bit. I suppose not too rough. Things were rough in a way that were largely completely out of our control and mostly had to do with things that didn’t directly or immediately impact us, or they were stressors that were fixable or impermanent. That is to say, nobody was sick or dying…except when Coco gave us a scare twice earlier this year.

But, nonetheless, life had been stressful. I was having a hard time saying that I was “thriving.” I was fine. But…things were hard.

And things are still hard. No question. I’m battling resistance right here and now getting this book 2 outline done. But I am thriving right now. I’m writing and finishing. I finishing a lot of things right now. I have momentum like I felt back in 2014 or 2012.

And I guess I just feel very, very grateful to be here. It was quite the journey. Quite the slog sometimes. But I am here. And I just feel gratitude.

Thank you.