Totally misunderstood instructions today and ruined someone’s present 😂 uuuggghhh. Not the end of the world.

Today was…bleh. It’s been the theme of the past two months. I get stuff done, but not that much. Not as much as I could. I really want to do something about that. I have so much stuff to finish…that’s probably why. I know I have so much to do, it’s overwhelming.

So, here’s a goal for tomorrow then, a set of them:

Writing session in the morning.

Take care of the pups and eat by 10:30.

Work meeting.

Clips for Christmas Vacation created by lunchtime.

Make my list for the Film School recording sesh with Josh tomorrow night after lunch.

Edit Christmas Vacation podcast together (no need to finish, just edited together).

Nap probably after that.

START on organizing the finances. An hour, that’s all I need. Just get in an hour.

Dinner and walk pups…then over to Josh’s for our last film school recording session of the year.

That’s a full day, but I can do it.

Night night.